Wednesday 14 December 2011

So you're going to buy yourself a little dog to stuff in your Louis Vuitton...

No doubt you’ve come to this page with unrealistically high hopes for something insightful.

Firstly sorry, secondly may i congratulate you on your choice of animal. Cats are a waste of money and space.

They strut around like they know they're related to lions. But you don't see lions going around pissing on peoples sofas, it's fine, they're just marking their territory. Hey here's a cat flap so you can visit when you're hungry and not getting any attention from the 20 other houses who believe you belong to them. And even when chased away, they sit their staring at you, until the very last moment before running. It's insulting, like I’m not even worth the effort of moving.
They’re also ungrateful little shits. Their slavish owners pandering to their every whim and stroking them like they’ve been good. Only to have them arch their backs like a nightmare, stick their arsehole in your face and sadistically dig their claws in during the whole experience. Their 'your pain / my pleasure' ethic is SICK!

But this is not a rant about cats. It's purely an observation based on the well-established trend Paris Hilton, Madonna and Hilary Duff, among others, have set cruising around Rodeo Drive, Hollywood with their pint size ankle biters.

Ok so arguably in LA you can get away with more outlandish fashion statements, and it is integrally damaging not to be following the trends. The UK is not dissimilar in their trend setting / following culture. But before buying into this latest accessory, please be aware that just because you have your dog in your Louis Vuitton, doesn’t mean it can have access to non-pet establishment. In the UK, animals by law are not allowed in restaurants. And shopping with your little excuse for a canine will be off limits too, as most public places in the UK have a no pet policy. Besides that, there are other people to consider, many with allergies to animals. Let alone the fact they might not find dining next to your teacup terrier as appealing as you.

So what reason is left to get one of these accessories? Ok they're cute

Ok, I admit, they really can be cute. But is that really a reason to keep these shivering, tail between the legs skin and bone ornaments as pets. Admittedly they do have their uses.

But realistically this is never going to happen is it. I mean if you live on a farm are you going to be walking around the village with your Dior sunglasses, slim black Gucci number and bespoke Mulberry purse with a little black Pomeranian. I just can't help but reaffirm that these animals are just fashion accessories. In which case what happens when the colour goes out of fashion?

Please don't misunderstand the point of this blog. There is nothing wrong with people having a pet, in fact they add to a solid family environment,
and anyone who thinks their girlfriend is more interested in their animal than you? Sorry but that is not the dogs fault! For the record I am a massive animal lover, I love dogs. I am just concerned about where this trend could potentially go?

And I strongly believe the relationship between human and animal should be almost symbiotic and one of respect.

To conclude why not get one of these. They’re far cooler, cuter and easier to stuff in a purse while you hit Selfridges.

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